πŸ“‰Sales marketing

Sales volumes

Advertising business model

The advertising model will be launched in Q4 2018 and will focus on local events, but, according to our estimates, a full-scale rollout will happen when there is total of over 2 million people on the platform.

The advertisers from the traditional outdoor advertising market are slated to most intensely manifest in the 10 largest world cities (without taking into account the switchover of digital advertising specialists):

  1. New York

  2. London

  3. Berlin

  4. Paris

  5. Beijing

  6. Tokyo

  7. Seoul

  8. Singapore

  9. Hong Kong

  10. Moscow

Minimum annual turnover of outdoor advertising in 2017 in each of these megapolises comprised an average of $280 million. Spheroid Universe plans to engage Advertisers in each of these cities, with an average budget of $700,000 and above, which amounts to 0.25% of the market.

Price formation

Self-regulation via market demand, supply and competition mechanisms.

  • The price of Spaces and the cost of commercial AR publications is determined via the aggregate of market mechanisms

  • The prices for development and customization of commercial AR publications is set by Developers and Artists on the marketplace, or in a personal discussion with the client.

Sales channels

  • The app is installed for free

  • Sale of Spaces and AR publications by developers is conducted via the Spheroid Universe


  • Advertising sales are conducted via the advertising network’s services in the personal

    profile of Advertisers and Space Owners

Sales model

From our point of view, the most efficient AR advertising sales model entails partnering with companies that are involved in marketing:

  • Creative agencies

  • International networking agencies

  • Event agencies

  • Major outdoor advertising market operators

    These partners will introduce a large number of potential advertisers with the Space XR world, taking it upon themselves to establish brand presence and development within the platform.

Last updated